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[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”How is the practice different?” open=”false”]In my concierge medicine practice I focus on each patient’s overall medical needs, not just their cardiac issues. I look at a patient’s full medical profile and symptomology and treat the whole person…mind, body and spirit. My practice has a limited enrollment, allowing me to devote more time to each patient’s care and individual needs.
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”How do I become a member of your practice?” open=”false”]Please call my office at 650-969-6000, or contact me through the website to obtain a packet of information about my practice. Included in this packet will be Highlights & Details of the practice, Frequently Asked Questions and an enrollment form.
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Can I enroll in your concierge medicine practice at a later date?” open=”false”]By design, my practice is a membership practice with a limited enrollment. Once that enrollment limit is reached, a waiting list will be established. Every effort will be made to accommodate interested patients, but the enrollment limit must be honored in order to continue to provide the highest standard of personalized care and service to all patients.
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Will I be required to pay my annual fee even if I do not use your services?” open=”false”]Yes. Paying your annual fee allows you to be a member of my practice whether you are sick or well. I strongly encourage you to utilize the benefits offered, regardless of your state of health, to proactively safeguard your health.
[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][x_custom_headline level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”true” class=”cs-ta-left”]Dr. Curatola’s Educational Background[/x_custom_headline][cs_text]
- Fellowship, Cardiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
- Residency, The John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
- MD, Medical School, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY
- BA, Literature, Yale University, Magna Cum Laude, New Haven, CT
Honors and Awards
- America’s Top Cardiologists, Interventional Cardiology, Consumer Research Council of American, 2007
- Top Doctor Award, as chosen by peers, San Jose Magazine, 2001-2007
- Lange Medical Publication Award, New York University School of Medicine
- Upjohn Achievement Award, New York University School of Medicine
- Alpha Omega Alpha, New York University School of Medicine
- Magna Cum Laude
- Honors in Major, Yale University
[/cs_text][x_custom_headline level=”h3″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”true” class=”cs-ta-left”]Dr. Curatola’s Credentials[/x_custom_headline][cs_text]
- Private Practice, Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists, Inc., Mountain View, CA 2008-2013
- Medical Director, El Camino Hospital Heart & Vascular Institute, 2007-present
- Chairman, Cardiovascular Service Committee, El Camino Hospital, 2007-present
- Board of Directors, El Camino Hospital District, Mountain View, CA, 1992-2007; President, 1999-2002
- Private Practice, Altos Cardiovascular Associates, Inc., Los Altos, CA, 1990-2008
- Private Practice, El Camino Internal Medicine Group, Mountain View, CA 1984-1990
- Board Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine, Certified 1982, Subspecialty of Cardiovascular Disease 1987, Subspecialty of Interventional Cardiology 2001
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